i40RTCv40 User's Guide


1 GENERAL 4.7  Ricerca di un Arrangement 6.7 Function Auto Program Selection
INITIALIZATION 4.8  Importazione di un Arrangement User serie i30, serie i 6.8 Importazione di un Program User serie i30, serie i
3             WINDOWS 4.9 Stampa 6.9 Stampa
3.2  Finestra Principale 5.1 Style A, B 8 GLOBAL PARAMETERS
3.2.1 Barra Titolo 5.3  Style User 8.1 Generalità
3.2.2  Barra di Stato 5.4 Nuovo file Style 8.2 Pagina Global interna
3.2.3 Barra Menù 5.5 Importazione di uno Style User i30 8.3 Global User
3.3 Finestre Secondarie 5.6 Stampa 9 DRUM PERCUSSION
4.1 Generalità 6.1 Generalità 11 MIDI GM FUNCTIONS
4.2 Arrangement A, B 6.2 Program A-E 12 NOTEBOOK
4.3 Arrangement User 6.3 Program U (User) 13 MIDI MESSAGES
4.4 Nuovo File Arrangement 6.4 Nuovo File Program 14 NOTICE/ERRORS MESSAGES
4.5  Editing di un Arrangement 6.5 Editing di un Program 15 SHAREWARE REGISTRATION
4.6 File i40DBArr 6.6 Funzione Performance Editing 16 AUTHOR


i40RTCv30 (i40 Real Time Control, Version 3.0) is a shareware programme devoted both to control via MIDI the i40M Arranger and iS40/50, iS35 Keyboards of Korg (*) in the Arrangement Play, Song Play and Global working modalities and to manage the files arr, sty, prg and gbl.

In the following pages it will be made reference to the i40M module only.

Main functionalities:

- Real time selection, from the pages shown on the screen, of all the Arrangement and Program stored in the i40M (Arrangement banks A, B, Program banks A, B, C, D, E, Drum, Percussion) and those available as User (Arrangement bank C, Program bank F);

- Editing for modification of files arr/sty/prg, functions cut/copy/paste;

- Arrangement editing. It allows to modify each parameter in real time (tempo, program, ...) included the Program that can be imported from a generic file prg/pgg;

- Program editing. Each parameter can be modified in real time (mode Program). 519 Multisamples can be directly associated to the Oscillators 1 and 2;

- Performance Edit function to modify quickly the main parameters of a Progam;

- Auto Program Selection function for fast selection of Program of the Program F/User page;

- Editing of Global Parameters;

- Editing of the file i40DBArr, data base of arr files;

- Creation of new files arr, sty, prg/pgg, gbl;

- Loading via MIDI of the files arr, sty, prg/pgg, gbl, bsq;

- Import of files arr/sty/prg of i30 model;

- Import of files arr/pcg of old i-series;

- Print of files arr and prg;

- Search of a particular Arrangement. The Arrangement is made available on the i40M by typing the relevant identification code (ID) made up of a 3 to 5 digits number that is automatically assigned by the programme;

- Screen keyboard to play note and chord directly from the keyboard of the PC;

- Notebook to take notes in a very simple way;

- Italian or English working language;

- User's Guide on line;

- MIDI data sent to i40M can be displayed in hexadecimal format.

To get the best from the programme it is necessary to have a good understanding of main facilities of the i40M as well as of the standard MIDI.

The present version (v 4.0), is shareware.

More information and latest news on the programme are available at http://www.cpetrini.it/.

(*) Korg is a registered trademark of Korg Inc. Japan.

(**) Windows 95/98 is a registered trademark of MICROSOFT CORPORATION.


Connect the MIDI Out of the PC MIDI interface to the MIDI IN 1 input of the i40M (MIDI IN of keyboards).

(i40M) by using the MIDI Thru facility of the programme connect the MIDI OUT of a keyboard to the MIDI IN of pc and the MIDI OUT of pc to the MIDI IN of i40M.

Enable the i40M to receive MIDI data (see the Korg User's Manual).

Select the MIDI Out device from the Menu Bar/Preferences. This device should allow the programme to send out to i40M the MIDI data. If an internal MIDI output device is choosen data cannot be sent to the i40M, anyhow it will let you play the internal sound generator by using the i40RTCv40 keyboard. In case there is the need of using the MIDI Thru facility it is necessary to select the MIDI In device (input data from an external MIDI source).

Select MIDI Channels from the Menu Bar/Preferences. Set the MIDI channels to the same values set in the i40M for GBL, ARRNG, LOW, UP2, UP1, DRM, PER, BAS, AC1, AC2, AC3 (see Disk/Global mode in i40M).

When running the programme for the first time the initialization file i40RTCv40.ini will be created in the installation folder; in addition the user is requested to choose the working language (Italian or English) and to accept the licence conditions.


3.1 General

The windows represent the programme/user interface. In general are all sizable and they take at beginning of a session the position they had when the programme was closed.

The Title Bar of each window gives information in relation with the particular data being displayed.

3.2 Main WindowIt is the window of the application and holds all other windows.

3.2.1 Title Bar

The Title Bar shows the program name and the indication PROGRAMME NOT REGISTERED if the programme is not registered.

3.2.2 Status Bar

The Status Bar shows from the left the following information:

- Name of the programme and its version number;

- Functioning mode of i40M (ARR PLAY, SONG PLAY, GLOBAL, PROGRAM);

- Message indicating the operation in progress;

- The last file Style loaded into the i40M;

- The last file Arrangement loaded into the i40M;

- The last file Program loaded into the i40M.

3.2.3 Menu Bar

Voices of the Menu Bar are: File, Edit, View, Window, Preferences, ?.


- New Arr: Opens a window to create a new file arr;

- New Prg/Pgg: Opens a window to create a new file prg/pgg;

- New Sty: Opens a window to create a new file sty;

- Open Arr: Opens an existing file arr;

- Open Sty: Opens an existing file sty;

- Open Prg/Pgg: Opens an existing file prg/pgg;

- Open Gbl: Opens an existing file gbl;

- Open Bsq: Opens an existing file bsq (Backing sequences);

- Save: Saves the opened file in the active window;

- Save As: Saves the opened file in the active window with a user defined name;

- Import arr/sty/prg i30: Import and convert to i40 format the files arr/sty/prg of i30 model;

- Import arr/pcg i-series: Import and convert to i40 format the files arr/prg of old i-series;

- Print: Print the items of the active arr/prg/sty window;

- Close: Closes the opened file of the active window;

- Exit: Closes all windows and terminates the session.


The following commands can be given also by using the right button of the mouse.

- Maximize: Restore the initial dimensions of the active window;

- Cut (Ctlr + Z or key Del): Deletes the selected Arrangement/Style/Program;

- Copy (Ctrl + C): Copies into an internal buffer the selected Arrangement/Style/Program;

- Paste (Ctrl + V): Transfers the copied Arrangement/Style/Program;

- Load Arrang: Loads into the i40M all the Arrangement of the active window;

- Load Style: Loads into the i40M all the Style of the active window;

- Show Style: Shows the Style relevant to the active arr window;

- Load Prog: Loads into the i40M all the Program of the active window;

- Show Prog: Shows the Style relevant to the active arr window;

- Edit: Opens the Arrangement/Program editing session ;

- +i40DBArr: Adds to i40DBArr the name of the opened arr file;

- ARR PLAY: Selects the ARR PLAY mode;

- SONG PLAY: Selects the ARR PLAY mode;

- PROGRAM: Selects the PROGRAM mode;

- BAKING SEQUENCES: Selects the B.SEQ. mode;

- Delete: Deletes from i40DBArr the selected arr file;

- Open: Opens the selected arr file;

- Add All: Adds to i40DBArr all the files arr present in the i40DBarr working directory;

- Find Arrangement (ID): Finds a particular Arrangement identified by its ID code;

- Update i40DBArr: Updates the file (data base) i40DBArr.


- Arrangement A, B, User, Style A, B, Program A, B, C, D, E, F/User, Drum, Percussion: Shows the banks Arrangement A, B, User, Style A, B, User, Program A, B, C, D, E, User, Drum and Percussion;

- Global Parameters: Opens the page of the internal Global Parameters;

- MIDI Messages: Shows the MIDI Messages trasmitted by the programme;

- i40DBArr: Open for Editing the file i40DBArr;

- Keyboard: Shows a 8 octaves keyboard from C0 to C8;


- Language: Allows to choose the language (Italian or English);

- MIDI out device: Selection of a MIDI out device for external data transmission;

- MIDI Thru: Activates the function MIDI Thru. MIDI data received at MIDI input are sent to the selected Output MIDI device;

- MIDI channels: Set of MIDI channels (see 2 INITIALIZATION);

- Load Arrangement: Enables the transmission of the Arrangement if the relevant file is different from that sent last;

- Load Style: Enables the transmission of the all Style if the relevant file is different from that sent last;

- Load Styles (New Arr): In the new Arr file creation phase allows/not allows the transmission of Styles;

- Load Program: Enables the transmission of the all Program if the relevant file is different from that sent last;

- Read Only File: The files arr, sty, prg/pgg and gbl are opened for reading only;

- Shows Status Bar: Activates/deactivates the Staus Bar;

- Update Automatically i40DBArr: Each time a new file Arr is opened it is automatically added to i40DBArr.


- Cascade

Allows the user to see all opened windows. It can also be used to activate the required window and bring it to the front.


- User's Guide: Shows the User's Guide;

- About i40RTCv40: Gives information on name/version of the program, author, state of registration. Displays a picture of Tiber river statue of Piazza del Campidoglio (Rome);

- License text: Shows the text of the License Agreement document.

3.3 Secondary windows

They are the windows that are within the main window. Are used to choose an Arrangement, a Program, to create a new file Arr, to controls to the i40M.


4.1 General

Three pages of Arrangement banks A, B and User are available on line. In addition 8 pages of User Arrangement (Open Arr) can be opened at same time.

The single voices, in number of 64, are listed in four columns. On the left side of each name is shown the direct selection number of the Arrangement (second part of the ID code).

To select an Arrangement on the i40M and get it ready for the user the Arrangement has to be hightlighted in the active window.

The Style text box holds the names of all the Styles relevant to the listed Arrangement.

Buttons functions:

- ARR PLAY: Sets the ARR PLAY modality;

- SONG PLAY: Sets the SONG PLAY modality;

- Close: Close the window.

4.2 Arrangement A, B

Are the preset Arrangement. Are 64 in each page and cannot be deleted. Instead they can be saved with the function Save File As.

4.3 Arrangement U (User)

Are the Arrangement not resident into the i40M. Up to 8 files can be opened at same time.

To open an Arr file proceds normally (Menu File -> Open Arr -> select filename.arr).

A + sign on the left of the listed names indicates that the relevant Style is an User sty that should be loaded into the i40M. After the selection of the Arrangement, if the Load Style in the Menu Bar/Preferences is enabled, the programme will find the relevant Style file (sty) and will load it into the i40M. This phase is indicated by "Processing File Style" and "Loading Styles" messages displayed on the Status Bar. Later the Style will be updated only if required by the new Arrangement.

Each Arrangement, if the file has not been opened with Only Read flag set, can be deleted with the Cut command or modified with Edit.

The last Arrangement file loaded into the i40M is available as Arrangement User (file name) on the Menu/View.

Buttons functions:

- Load Arrang: Loads into the user bank C all the Arrangement of the active window. The file is also stored as User;

- Load Style: Loads all the Style relevant to the Arrangement. Use this functionality when the correspondance between the loaded Style and the Arrangement of the page is lost. The file is also stored as User;

- Show Style: Shows the Style relevant to the Arrangement window;

- Load Prog: Loads into the F bank (Program) the program relevant to the file arr opened. The file is also stored as User;

- Show Prog: Shows the Program relevant to the Arrangement window;

- Edit (or double-click on the name of Arrangement): Allows the complete editing of all the parameters of the Arrangement;

The text box ID shows the ID code of the selected Arrangement. Use this code to search the Arrangement (Function Find Arrangement (ID)).

4.4 New Arrangement

To create a new file Arrangement select New Arr from the Menu File.

A window having 64 free positions numbered from 11 to 88 is opened. The window takes the name Untitled.arr and shows the number of New Arr windows already opened (max 8).

Select from an opened arr window (ArrA, ArrB, Arr User o New Arr) one or more Arrangement names and Copy them. Select in the new Arrangement window the position where you wish to see the selected names and choose the Paste function.

One or more Arrangement can also be deleted with Cut command and/or copied within the same window.

If user Styles are associated to the copied Arrangement they are transferred in a sty file that will be saved with the same name of the Arrangement.

The new file arr has to be saves with the Save As command.

To avoid sending Styles when copying Arrangement the Load Style (New Arr) line in the Menu/Preferences has to be disabled.

It is possible to open up to 8 New Arr files at the same time.

4.5 Editing of an Arrangement

Allows changing of all parameters of Arrangement User.

To enter in Edit push the Edit Arr button or double-click on the name.

Some parameters are immediately transferred to the i40M, other need to close and send again the Arrangement page (Load Arrang).

The M and S buttons perform the Mute and Solo functions.

When closing the Edit window is requested to save the Arrangement if a parameter has been modified.

To change the name of the Arrangement select the relevant text box, the background colour will change from blak to blue, and write the new name on it.

To change the Style select the relevant text box and choose the new Style from the pages Style A/B or from Style page relevant to the active arr window.

To change the Program select the text box where are displayed the names of the Program to be changed. Open one or more windows of Program/Drum/Percussion to choose from and select a name. The substitution take effect immediately also when the sound module is playing.

4.6 File i40DBArr (DATA BASE)

The file i40DBArr stores an alphabetical ordered files arr list with relevant identification code ID. The file is used to search a particular file arr using its ID code. The maximum number of files i40DBArr can hold is 999.

The code is made up of two parts: the first is a number ranging from 1 to 999 assigned to the file automatically, the second is the number that whithin each file Arr identifies the single Arrangement (11, 12, ... 87, 88).

Each row of i40DBArr shows the first part of the ID code for that particular file Arr.

By using the Delete button or Del of the keyboard it is possible to cancel each name of file.

The button Open or double-click on the wanted name opens the file.

The Add All command add to i40DBArr all Arr files presents in the chosen working folder.

The function Update i40DBArr cancel from i40DBArr all the files not more present in the working folder.

In case of absence of the file c:\Windows\i40DBArr, used by the Find Arrangement (ID) function, it needs to operate as follow:

Choose/create a single folder for all the i40M compatible working files (arr, prg/pgg, sty, gbl);

Open a file arr from this folder;

Push the Add i40DBArr button;

Choose Yes to indicate the current folder will be used as working field by the functions Find Arrangement (ID) and Update i40DBArr.

At the same time the file i40DBArr is created in the programme installation folder.

4.7 Find Arrangement

Searches and makes available on the i40M a particular Arrangement using its ID code.

The ID code is shown on the text box on the bottom of the arr window.

The numbers 1 and 2 are assigned to A and B banks.

4.8 Import of an User Arrangement i30, i-series

Allows importing and translating into the i40 format the files arr of i30 and i-series models.

In the i30 case two i40 arr files are generated from one i30 arr file.

In the old i-series case it is necessary to use the Editing function to modify some arrangement parameter. Note that the style associated to the imported Arrangement keep the same code and could not correspond from the musical point of view.

4.9 Print

4.9.1 Print List

Print on the default printer a list of the following data relevant to the opened file Arr:

- Arrangement number (11-88);

- Arrangerment name;

- Style code,

- Style Name;

- Upper2 code,

- Upper2 Name;

- Upper1 code;

- Upper1 Name.

4.9.2 Print Table

Print a table of 16 rows by 4 columns of Arrangement codes/names.


5.1 General

Two pages of Style banks A, B are available on line. In addition eight pages of User Style can be opened at same time.

5.2 Style A and B

The Style, in number of 64, are listed in four columns. On the left side of each name is shown the direct selection number of the Style to be entered on the i40M.

In the editing of an Arrangement phase the Style can be modified by selecting one from the A/B pages.

5.3 Style User

The Style in number of to 16, are listed in only one column in groups of 4 separated by an empty row. On the right of each name and of each group are indicated the relevant bytes number.

The button Load Style of each group allows the transmission of the four Style of this group. After loading the Style is stored as User Style.

The button Load Style located at the bottom send all the styles of the page.

The Bytes text box shows the number of bytes of the file sty.

As said in the Readme file in some cases (very rare and for reasons not yet known) when loading a Style into an i40M the arranger could stop working. To restore the normal working conditions it is necessary to turn off and on the power. In more rare cases it is necessary to restore into the i40M the factory preset data using the appropriate floppy-disk (see the User Manual of i40M).

5.4 New Style

To create a new file Style select New Sty from the menu File.

A window having 16 free positions numbered from 11 to 28 is opened. The window takes the name Untitled.sty and shows the number of New Sty windows already opened (max 8).

Select from an opened user sty window one or more Style names and Copy them. Select in the new Style window the position where you wish to copy the selected names and choose the Paste function.

One or more Style can also be deleted with Cut command and/or copied within the same window.

The new Style has to be saved with Save As command.

NOTE: Considering that the Arrangement refer to their Style by using the position they have in the sty file, moving or deleting a Style will delete the link to the Style.

5.5 Import of an User Style i30

For importing Sty files generated with the i30 keyboard model. To one i30 sty file can be associated up to 3 i40M file sty. The new files are created directly in the folder holding the original i30 sty and are opened at the end of processig.

5.6 Print Table

Print a table of 8 rows by 1 column of code/names/number of bytes for each sty.


6.1 General

Seven pages of Program (A, B, C, D, E, User) are available on line. In addition can be opened a maximum of eight pages of User Program (Open Prg/Pgg) and eight pages of new Program (New Prg/Pgg).

The Program are related to parts DRUM, PERC, BASS, ACC 1, ACC 2, ACC 3, LOWER, UPPER1 and UPPER2 if the MIDI channels number shown in the pages and those set for the parts are identical (see the i40M User Guide).

The Program are set on i40M by sending the Change Program command on the MIDI channel shown on the page.

6.2 Program A-E

Are the factory preset Program. Are shown in number of 64 and can not be deleted.

The Program of the pages A and B correspond to those of General MIDI.

6.3 Program U (User)

To open an User program (prg/pgg) proceed as usual (Menu File -> Open Prg/Pgg -> File selection filename.prg/pgg.

In relation to pgg files the sign * on the left of names indicates that the program belongs to banks A to E.

The button Load Prog load all the Program into the bank F. After loading the Program is available as User Program.

6.4 New Program

To create a new file Program select New Prg/Pgg from the menu File. An empty page filled with 64 free positions numbered from 11 to 88 opens. The page has the name Untitled.prg and shows a code that corresponds to the number of pages already opened (max 8).

Select from an opened page prg/pgg (banks A-E, prg/pgg user or New Prg/Pgg) one or more Program names. Select in the destination page (Untitled.prg) the position where Program have to be copied and give the Paste command. One or more Program can be also deleted by the Cut command. If the Program being copied come from the banks A-E a sign * will be added to the left of the names and the file will take the extension pgg.

The new file have to saved with the Save As command.

NOTE: The Program having the extension pgg can not be loaded using a floppy-disk into the i40M.

6.5 Editing of a Program User

Allows the real time modification of all the parameters of Program User. To enter in Edit mode select a Program name and click on the Edit button or double-click on the name. The values of the transmitted parameters are shown on the i40M display in the right pages.

Multisample can be chosen directly from a page that holds all the 519 samples available. The Multisample window open automatically on clicking on the text box Multisample.

Closing the Edit session it is requested to save the Program if a parameter has been changed.

NOTE: Opening the Edit function the parameter transmission MIDI channel is set to the stored Global channel (see 2 INITIALIZATION). To modify the channel click with the mouse on the MIDI channel text box. To set again the global channel put the i40M in the PROGRAM mode.

6.6 Function Performance Edit

To modify quickly the principal parameters of a program as done in the i40M.

Chose the PROGRAM mode. The values of the parameters shown change with steps of 5 (see Korg manual).

6.7 Auto Program Selection function

In the case of availability of the Program F/User page allows a fast selection of a Program belonging to this. Open an Arrangement page and select one. Press the Space Bar. The page of Program F/User will be opened and one Program will selected. While playing it is possible to choose other programs around that selected by using the keys left, right, up and down arrows. To come back to the initial program press OK key. To store an initial program select one and press the P key.

6.9 Print Table

Print a table of 16 rows by 4 columns of Programs codes/names.


Eight files bsq can be opened at the same time. The command Load (Load Bsq) send them into the i40M. Some statistical events are shown for eah track. The Sequences cannot be edited.


Allows to edit the Global Parameters (see the i40M User Guide). Changing a parameter value will produce the complete transmission of all the parameters.

8.1 Internal parameters

They are those saved in the file i40RTCv40.ini from a generic gbl file.

The page is available only after having loaded into the i40M at least one page of user parameters.

8.2 Global User

It can be opened until eight pages of files gbl.

Buttons functions:

- Load: Loads all the parameters of the active window;

- GLOBAL: Sets the Global mode;

- RESET: Initializes the User scales US1 to US4.


Two pages of sixteen types of drums and percussions, stored into the i40M, are available on line. Can not be deleted. They are sent using the command Change Program and can be associated also to the melodic parts choosing in appropriate way the relevant MIDI channel.


Shows a 8 octaves keyboard (from C0, note number 12, to C8, note number 108). Two ways are envisaged for playing the keyboard: in the first one (Click Key check box selected) the key is pressed by clicking on it with the left mouse key; in the second one (Click Key check box not selected) the keys are pressed when the mouse arrow pass over them.

Notes MIDI messages (standard MIDI GM) are sent on the channel indicated in the MIDI Channel text box.

The values of Velocity On and Off are those of the sliders Vel On and Vel Off.

To create chords, select the Hold Note check box, push the wanted notes then press the Hold Chord button. The Chord is played at each mouse click on the keyboard.

The command All Notes Off cancel every selected note. The text box Note (Number) gives the name and the number of the selected note.

In the Arr Play mode the split point sign (vertical Arrow) indicates the keyboard separation point.

Changing the position of sliders cursors Volume, Pan, Att Time (Attack Time), Rel Time (Release Time), Bend, Pmod (Pitch Modulation), COMod (Cut Off Modulation), Reverb (Reverber) and Chorus standard MIDI messages are sent.


In addition to the typical i40M functions, in certain circumstances due to the use of standard MIDI messages, the application allow to manage (keyboard window) the internal (case of the internal sound card generator) or external MIDI GM instrument. To select an internal sound card change the MIDI output device from the Windows Operating System panel.

All keyboard functions and Program A-E selection can be addressed to standard MIDI GM instrument.


Facility intended to take notes directly with the programme. Notes are saved in the file i40RTCv30_NoteBook.txt in the installation folder.


Most of the messages sent to i40M (exclusive messages included) are shown in the MIDI Messages window. The messages are coded in the hexadecimal format.


Different messages are used to signal errors, to inform on the current processing activity, to request a decision.


The programme is SHAREWARE and FREELY distributable taking into account what is stated in the agreed Licence (see i40RTCv40-Licence.txt).

After a trial period of one month should the user continue to use the programme he has the obligation of registering.

The programmes not registered have some limitations: the functions Save, Save As and Print are not enabled, only 5 arr file names can be stored in the i40DBArr file, a number of Arrangement/Program editing pages are not enabled.

To have the programme completely working you have to pay a fee of 30 Euros. A code will be sent to you to remove all limitations. To register click on -> ? About i40RTCv40 -> type the code and press Ok. The programme is completely working without any limitation.

Registering the programme is important for two main reasons:

1. to allow the author to know the programme widespread, very important in order to continue to devote energies to other software development;

2. to be able to communicate to users quickly new updating and products. In this case if, on the contrary, the user do not wish receiving any information, please say so in the registration message.


To give comments, to register the programme or for any kind of other information please contact:

Carlo Petrini

Home Page