MIDI INTERFACE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM VERS.2 (January 2002) - Push Button Panel
Buttons B7-B15: controls the Roland Sound Canvas SC-55 ;
Buttons B20-B32: controls the Korg i40M arranger;
Buttons B3-B15: commands relate to MIDI channel 2;
Buttons B16-B32: commands relate to MIDI channel 1;
Button B1 (VELOCITY ON/VOLUME): at power-on phase the Velocity On function is selected. The value (0-127) given by the pedal position will be used as Velocity On parameter for the MIDI Nota On data stream (MIDI channels 1&2). Pushing the button the Volume function is selected with the same way of working. Moving the pedal a continuous MIDI data stream Volume Change is transmitted over the two channels 1&2. Pushing again the button the Velocity On function is resumed;
Button B2 (PORTAM/MODULAT): at power-on phase the Portamento function is selected. Moving the pedal a continuous MIDI data stream Portamento Time is transmitted over the two channels 1&2 with the parameter value (0-127) given by the pedal position . Pushing on the button the Modulation function is selected with the same way of working. Pushing again the button the Portamento function is resumed;
Buttons B3, B4 (+1 OCT, +2 OCT): the note being played on the MIDI channel 2 is followed by the same note one or two octaves higher;
Buttons B5 (UK->LK): a note being played on the keyboard transmitting over the channel 1 is followed by the same note over the channel 2 (upper keyboard is played when playing the lower one);
Button B6 (OFF): upper keyboard is off. This allows playing the original voices of the organ;
Button B7 (P1-8/9-16): pages of Parts 1 to 8 or 9 to 16 are selected (see Sound Canvas SC-55);
Buttons B8-B15 (P1/9-P8/16): assigns the channel 2 to the relevant Part (the voice being played is that assigned manually to the Part). This allows changing any time the voice being played;
Buttons B16, B17 (+1 OCT, +2 OCT): the note being played on the MIDI channel 1 is followed by the same note one or two octaves higher;
Button B18 (SPLIT): splits the lower keyboard in two parts. The keys on the left of the split point are off;
Button B19 (OFF): lower keyboard is off. This allows playing the original voices of the organ;
Button B20 (PR11-48/51-58): selects the pages containing the Programs 11 to 48 or 51 to 88 of the User Bank (Korg module, 64 Programs each page);
Buttons B21-B24: within the page selected with B20 selects sub-pages containing each 8 Programs (1 to 8);
Buttons B25-B32: pushing one of these a Program (Voice) is selected on the i40M Korg Arranger on the User Bank. This allows changing any time the voice being played;
MIDI TX led: signals MIDI transmission activity;
Pedal: changes in real time the values for Velocity On/Volume, Portamento Time/Modulation Depth.